Guidance on Indirect Costs for State Local Governments U S. Department of Labor

indirect costs

Indirect costs are not normally charged directly to a Federal award, but are allocated equitably to all of the organization’s activities. Indirect costs are generally charged to Federal awards through the development and application of an indirect cost rate . Practical difficulties, however, normally preclude this approach as the effort to assign these costs to particular cost objectives would be disproportionate to the results achieved. In such cases, the indirect costs are therefore grouped into common pools and distributed to the organization’s programs or cost centers through a cost allocation process.

indirect costs

Like other rates, a restricted rate should be developed during the course of the regular allocation process. The direct allocation method is appropriate for use by non-profit organizations provided that each indirect cost is prorated using a base that accurately measures the benefits provided to each award or other activity. Non-profit organizations and educational institutions must distribute the cost pools using modified total direct costs (see Appendices H-1 and H-2).


A signed certification from the grantee organization requesting an indirect cost rate must accompany the indirect cost allocation plan. This organization must certify that the indirect cost allocation plan only includes allowable costs. Local units of government need only submit their cost allocation plans and indirect cost proposals, if specifically requested by their cognizant Federal agency assigned by OMB. If a recipient does not have an approved Federal indirect cost rate, funds budgeted for indirect costs will not be recoverable until a rate is approved. A special condition will be added to the award prohibiting drawdown for indirect cost reimbursement until an indirect cost rate has been approved and a GAN has been issued retiring the special condition. A restricted rate is a special rate needed when federal or state statutes restrict the reimbursement of certain indirect costs. It is developed using the same methods as are used for developing non-restricted rates, except that the prohibited costs are eliminated from the indirect cost pool.

What are the 4 types of cost?

Costs are broadly classified into four types: fixed cost, variable cost, direct cost, and indirect cost.

Unallowable costs have been adjusted for in allocating costs as indicated in the cost allocation plan. Once the distribution base is selected, any unallowable costs that are the same type as those included in the distribution base, but were excluded from direct costs should be included in the distribution base if they generate overhead or benefit from indirect costs. For example, if direct salaries and wages for an unallowable activity were excluded from direct costs and the distribution base for allocating indirect costs is direct salaries and wages, the unallowable direct salaries and wages costs should be included in the distribution base. However, if the distribution base is one that does not include direct salaries and wages, the unallowable direct salaries and wages would not be included in the base. However, if the distribution base is one that does not include direct salaries and wages, then unallowable direct salaries and wages should not be included in the base. Indirect cost charges are applied to all items when using this base. The total direct cost base is used for grants and contracts from non-federal funding organizations.

Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC)

Allocation required as they apply to multiple cost objects or an entire entity. Directly and easily attributable to a single one specific cost object without the need for allocation. To make the matter even more complicated, direct and indirect expense categories can vary among different industries and even within the same business. Identify all the activities carried on by the Department or unit and their attendant costs.

  • However, if the distribution base is one that does not include direct salaries and wages, the unallowable direct salaries and wages would not be included in the base.
  • Most federal agencies and other sponsoring organizations pay the university for indirect costs in addition to the direct costs of a grant or contract award.
  • Salaries administrative employees who make the overall production process possible, such as accountants, lawyers, IT staff, marketing staff, and senior managers.
  • DGA and DACS negotiate the award agreement with the awardee organizations.
  • The “Other Sponsored Activities” rate is used when the grant supports a non-research activity such as a conference, summer institute, summer seminar, publication, renovation, cataloging, or curatorial project.
  • These may be costs for management, insurance, taxes, or maintenance, for example.

For contracts subject to full CAS coverage, allocation of indirect costs shall be based on the applicable provisions. For all other contracts, the applicable CAS provisions in paragraphs through of this section apply. A fixed dollar amount limits organizations to that “amount” of indirect costs specified in the approved budget.

Importance: Top 5 Benefits of Cost Management

Emilie is a Certified Accountant and Banker with Master’s in Business and 15 years of experience in finance and accounting from corporates, financial services firms – and fast growing start-ups. The “Other Sponsored Activities” rate is used when the grant supports a non-research activity such as a conference, summer institute, summer seminar, publication, renovation, cataloging, or curatorial project. Organizations shall maintain adequate records to demonstrate that the determination of costs as being allowable or unallowable pursuant to Attachment B of 2 CFR Part 230 complies with the requirements. Identify the organization’s total costs regardless of the source of funds. The teaching and training activities of the university established by grant, contract, or cooperative agreement, whether they are offered for credits or on a non-credit basis. FY22 rates must be applied in the development of future year proposal budgets until notified otherwise by the Costing Policy and Analysis Office. The policy also does not apply to grants made under the Foundation’s expedited small grants program.

Nevertheless, are real costs to the university and the government recognizes the university’s right to claim them as expenses related to sponsored projects. To be classified as off-campus more than 2/3 of the project work should be occurring at off-campus location. Commercial (for-profit) organizations usually treat “fringe benefits” as indirect costs. These fringe benefits are applied to direct salaries charged to projects either through a fringe benefit rate or as part of an overhead/indirect cost rate. Therefore, fringe benefits treated as indirect costs should not be included as a direct cost in the “Personnel” category of the budget form of the grant application or on a contract proposal. A fixed allowance for “Administration” costs may be claimed in lieu of developing a separate “Administration” indirect cost rate. The allowance may be the lesser of 24% of the modified total direct costs, or a percentage equal to 95% of the most recently negotiated fixed or predetermined rate for the cost pools included under the “Administration” category.

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The manager’s salary does not change based on how much product the factory makes and sells. Similarly, a company may not be able to easily assign a utility bill (e.g., electricity, water, waste collection) to a particular cost object (e.g., department) because the utilities were used by the whole building. For example, retailers spend money buying products wholesale and manufacturers spend money on raw materials and labor. This article is for small business owners or startup founders who want to get a better understanding of their costs. As a business owner, you will have a clearer understanding of how to set pricing if you can classify your costs correctly.

indirect costs

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