The High-Functioning Alcoholic

Make it clear to him that you will not support their drinking or unhealthy behaviors, and you will not share in the consequences. If cravings and withdrawal have become severe, it’s important to consult medical professionals. Alcohol withdrawal can produce a withdrawal effect known as delirium tremens that can high functioning alcoholic prove life-threatening. Detox under medical supervision is a safer and more effective option than attempting to detox without help. They might also isolate themselves from other people to spend time drinking alone. Although they can live a perfectly normal life, they can still benefit from professional help.

Spouses and family members of high-functioning alcoholics sometimes makes excuses for them as well and continue to keep alcohol at home. Although people who know high-functioning alcoholics are sometimes afraid to confront them with the truth, high-functioning alcoholics need honest support from friends and family to make the decision to seek help. Some high-functioning alcoholics do recognize that they have a problem with drinking.


As a result, many will fight very hard with you about getting help or recognizing a problem even exists. Perhaps the most difficult component of managing a high-functioning alcoholic is their belief that there isn’t a problem. They’re doing fine at work, school and home, so they believe they’re controlling their drinking. Some may even believe a couple of drinks a day is necessary to manage stress.

  • They will be able to continue doing many of their daily tasks like going to work and looking after family members.
  • The condition causes changes in the brain that decrease the ability to quit on your own.
  • The evaluation consists of 11 yes or no questions that are intended to be used as an informational tool to assess the severity and probability of an AUD.
  • Drinking is often covert, and the person may deny they have any issue with their drinking.
  • Certain factors may increase your risk of developing an alcohol problem.

Genetic or environmental factors can cause high-functioning alcoholism. For example, a family history of alcoholism or a stressful environment. The earlier a person begins drinking, the more likely they are to develop an alcohol addiction. The signs and symptoms listed above should be a good indicator of high-functioning alcoholism. If people with high functioning AUD do not get treatment, the disease may progress to a point at which their dependence significantly impacts their day-to-day lives. Some people seem to be just fine even though they misuse alcohol.

AUD symptoms

High-functioning alcoholics will do what they can to drink while appearing sober. They’ll binge drink on weekends to ensure they have no obligations the following day. High-functioning alcoholism is defined by the alcohol’s ability to work or function normally. These people appear successful and healthy despite a possible underlying alcohol use disorder. Unfortunately, many high-functioning alcoholics tend to believe they don’t need treatment.

Alcoholism affects everyone in a household — not just the individual who drinks. Alcohol abuse increases the risk of physical and emotional violence, as well as substance abuse in other family members. An addiction therapist can help you find positive ways to deal with the stress of living with a functional alcoholic. Consciously or unconsciously, the codependent may help the alcoholic to continue drinking to maintain the status quo. Many high-functioning alcoholics earn a good living and can support their families while continuing to drink.

What Are High-Functioning Alcoholics?

Even if a high-functioning alcoholic never suffers any legal or professional consequences from alcohol abuse, their body will still suffer. Long-term, chronic drinking damages a person’s brain, heart, liver, and other vital organs. For this reason, all forms of alcoholism are potentially lethal. High-functioning alcoholics who drink for decades risks developing cirrhosis, cancer, and heart disease. Alcoholism can take a devastating toll on a person’s physical health, emotional well-being, personal relationships and professional life. However, many alcoholics manage to function effectively, holding down jobs and maintaining households.

  • Although some well-known signs of addiction may not be present, for example a DUI or a lost job, those outcomes may yet happen.
  • If you believe your loved one is relying on alcohol for any need, it may be time to take a closer look at whether or not they fall into the category of a functioning alcoholic.
  • Sometimes, a person’s personality can influence their tendency for denial.
  • The more a person drinks, the more at risk they are of developing severe alcohol use disorder.

But with people who have mild or moderate alcohol use disorder, the signs might not be so obvious. They pay their bills, hold down good jobs and maintain relationships with family and friends while they continue to drink. Because functioning alcoholism is considered more mild, it can be difficult to recognize. Many people are in denial because they are still functional and responsible.

Intervention Help

While cirrhosis scars from excessive drinking are irreversible, quitting alcohol and leading a healthier lifestyle can help your liver heal from alcohol-related liver disease. Alcohol detox isn’t easy and not everyone can do it on their own. That is why alcohol detox and alcohol withdrawal treatment is administered by medical professionals. Functional alcoholics differ from those who struggle with alcoholism, primarily in how alcohol affects their lives.

  • Some people may overlook their drinking problem or the problem of their loved one because the person is successful in maintaining their everyday lives.
  • However, there are individuals that meet the criteria for AUD but do not experience these impacts.
  • What might look like denial may actually be a lot more complicated and multilayered for people with high-functioning AUD.
  • “For example, you may notice your spouse drinking more beers at dinner, sleeping less and less, and increasingly on edge well before they start missing workdays,” Grawert adds.

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